Paper/Poster Submission
AEMECON 2024 will be an in-person conference; authors must attend and present at the conference in person.
Papers may have multiple authors; at least one author must register for and attend the conference.
The submitting author should input all author details and upload their abstract using the abstract submission form.
Before uploading the abstract, the candidate must register for the conference.
Authors should indicate the type of submission (paper, poster) on the form and whether they are willing to accept an alternate format.
The student's original work (study) will preferably be accepted as a paper.
Case reports and case series should be submitted under the poster category.
The Scientific Committee will carefully review all submitted abstracts to determine the most suitable presentation format, whether it be an oral paper or a poster presentation. The decision will be based on the quality and relevance of the abstract to the conference theme.
The committee will make every effort to ensure that the selected presentation format aligns with the significance and impact of your research.
​Submission Types
Original Studies
These face-to-face live sessions are approximately 6 minutes, followed by a question period.
Case Reports
Posters will be displayed in the conference hall and presented during tea and lunch breaks.
Original Studies
Be written in English.
Use a word count of 250 words or less (excluding title, keywords, and references)
Include a title of 12 words maximum.
Include three keywords.
Use the following headings for original studies
Title (12 words maximum)
Name of the presenting author and his coauthors with their affiliations
Case Reports
Be written in English
Use the following headings for case reports
TITLE OF CASE - Use up to 15 words
INTRODUCTION - Give the context of the case
CASE SUMMARY (PRESENTATION, RELEVANT INVESTIGATIONS, IMAGING AND MANAGEMENT) - Give a comprehensive account of the presenting features. Do not use abbreviations for diseases or investigations; use internationally accepted units. Use only scientific names of drugs. All investigations that create a background (baseline) picture are relevant. Remove all details that identify the patient. Include pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment. Include follow-up data
LEARNING POINTS/TAKE HOME MESSAGE - In bullet points (1 to 2 points)
The last date for abstract submission is February 21st, 2024.
The deadline to inform delegates about their selection of abstract is March 2nd, 2024.
The last date to confirm their participation in the oral/poster presentation is March 7th, 2024​
Abstract Awards
Oral presentation
First and Second place would be awarded with a merit certificate
Poster presentation
First and Second place would be awarded with a merit certificate
Click the Register button to register for the conference
Click the Paper/Poster Submission button to submit your Presentations for the conference
"Care shouldn't start in the emergency room."
- James Douglas